Rebuilding Movable Type blog completed just now. One simple stupidity (too stupid to mention), not myriad mistakes made this blog out of cyberspace last quarter. All the entries that I posted and maintained over the past ten plus years totally disappeared due to irrevocable backup copies.
Physical failure can be constant risk in server operation and maintenance. Backup as well as recovery plan is a basic and perfect measure in most of cases. However, the backup must be done properly. This is the lesson that I learnt.
I plowed out my email archive from google recently. On the other hands, no alternative could be found against most of google services that I have been using. That's why I had to keep analytics, webmaster tools, and so on. They need to share a certain amount of private information with google, however, asked me a few stuffs required to serve whatever I want to get from them.
One day, I realized that gmail is still active then getting messages from several places where my payment transactions occur. I created gmail as a google account ID at the beginning of google apps subscription. I used it long time as a primary address unconsciously. I also realized that there is "no requirement to keep gmail as a google account ID. yes. I deleted gmail completely as shown below.
One day, I realized that gmail is still active then getting messages from several places where my payment transactions occur. I created gmail as a google account ID at the beginning of google apps subscription. I used it long time as a primary address unconsciously. I also realized that there is "no requirement to keep gmail as a google account ID. yes. I deleted gmail completely as shown below.