Flavor from Singapore

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Without terribly hot weather, I could live in Singapore! It overcame hardship during colonial and now shows diversity in culture toward prosperous future.

The city, small but full of amusements, attracts people and me from overseas. Facilities as well as amenities were available for tourists and citizens under proper management. Three days exploration could not cover all the spots open to me. However, it was clear from my first impression that why most people want to stay there for vacation or permanent residence.

The best attractive point for me was relatively cheap food price. Foods were made from fresh materials. The kinds of food with Asian countries' delicacy gave me a joy to be lined up in front of local restaurants every meal hours. I was in search for spicy flavor all through stay there. Tropical fruits galore were another temptation!

More surprising thing than I expected was that diversified ethnic groups flourish their own cultures with sincere respect to one another. This sustaining factor seemed to form what the Singapore is and what it has now. Nobody out of whomever I met in the middle of this travel expressed discrimination or showed inhospitality.

Hopefully, next travel destination will be Singapore again because visiting spots this time were very limited to downtown area and Sentosa Island due to short schedule. Enjoy photos and videos from below!