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Something requires, in most cases, enough time to make it what we expect to see or satisfy oneself with it.

One shot taken today brought above example home to me showing astonishing difference in growth of her (fish) fins against old shot taken from the same object. I often would not stand long time to get a certain result from my actions or measures. When it comes to fish care, I used to administer medication and first aid with hot temper by applying much amount dosage and/or doing it by short intervals repeatedly. The outcome was largely disastrous. All dead within short time :(

Angel fish shown above had suffered so called fungus disease upon the first dive into my water tank. Then, I strictly obeyed instructions from pet shop; Sodium shower, medication to the point, temperature control, relatively higher aeration, and so on. While repeating the cycle, I did not measure the progress whether there is improvement in her health intentionally. I just awaited a result calming myself down. After a couple of months, the result turned out to be a success as you can enjoy beautiful fins. (You can peek what the fins looked like before from here)

Patience can make everything come true. Something on my both hands now, hopefully, may come true by the same lesson learned with my fish. :)