M/M (Paris) in Korea, then puzzle

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As an illiterate in contemporary arts as well as general arts, I could hardly understand what the monument, standing on a certain point of Hakuicheon bank, would represent or try to show us. Several scripts from the photo below fed good input in an exploration over Internet. A couple of hours effort generated reasonable output showing what/who the M/M (Paris) is/are. I could pick a lot of photo shots from flickr tagged by mmparis.

However, an unseen message from the tower led me to another search. Web pages from Anyang Public Art Project (APAP) made it possible for me to clarify something laid far beyond my imagination. An online brochure was a direct answer sheet against everything in question; what the individual building block would stand for and what the tower group would represent. Clicking the photo below will show you a big sized shot. After that, you can figure out the organization of respective columns by matching a symbol with an English alphabet shown in the brochure. Your endeavor will result in a complete sentence written at the end of this article.

[Livable City Anyang in Harmony with Mountains, Water and Tranquility. There is a Hope and Bright Future.]